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Photo by Andreas Fring

For group news, overall ramblings & more:

Public inaugural lecture: Unraveling the Extreme

Welcome to the website of the Strong-Field and Attosecond Theory group, led by Professor Carla Faria

We are members of the UCL AMOPP group, of the UCLQ Quantum Science and Technology Institute and of the AttoChem COST network.

 Strong-Field and Attosecond Science deals with matter in extreme conditions:  Extreme intensities, of the order of 10  W/cm   or higher, and ultrashort time scales, of the order of attoseconds (10  s).  These are some of the shortest time scales in nature, and open up the possibility for steering electron dynamics in real time. Electrons influence chemical bonds, and carry energy in a wide range of systems, such as biomolecules, solids and nanostructure. Therefore,  attoscience may have a huge impact in several areas of knowledge, such as chemistry, physics and biology and even lead to optoelectronic computers with switching rates 100,000 times higher than existing  systems. The modeling of strong-field phenomena has posed a great challenge due to the extremely short scales involved and because the external laser field can no longer be treated as a perturbation. This means that alternative methods are needed to describe the attosecond  dynamics of matter.


Research interests include high-order harmonic generation and above-threshold ionization in atoms and molecules, correlated multielectron processes in strong fields, attosecond pulses, tailored fields, ultrafast imaging and photoelectron holography. We also bring novel approaches from other areas, such as quantum chemistry and mathematical physics, to attoscience. In recent years, we have focused on quantum effects in the attosecond domain, and on novel approaches such as the Coulomb Quantum Orbit Strong-Field Approximation (CQSFA). Further research (beyond attoscience) includes non-Hermitian Hamiltonian systems, and short-pulse propagation.




About Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria

Contact details

Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria
Professor of Physics
Dept of Physics & Astronomy,

University College London
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

I am a theoretical physicist specialized on strong-field and attosecond science, and a full professor at University College London. I was born in Belem (Amazon delta), completed my MSci in Physics at the University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, and earned my PhD  in 1999 at the Max Born Institute, Berlin/Technical University of Berlin, Germany, on strong-field and attosecond physics.



Atto Fridays Seminar Series



Seminar series with leaders in the field, running since March 2021. For details please see our YouTube channel and the website

We no longer have an opening for a specific project, but in case you are interested to join please drop me ( an e-mail with your CV and a statement of research interests and we can discuss applications for fellowships or studentships.  Below are some options:



University College London

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